Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I feel as if I should give un update but I don't know what to update on. Let's see..School is going great still. I started taking appointments last week. I have had my mother come in a lot and she is great to do it! mostly just her but I like her anyway. She gets to get pampered and I get to chill and chat with my mother all day long. At school I am on the floor which is taking appointments, from 9-12:30 and then I have lunch and then after that I am in class all day. Well today we learned about the placement of highlights and why putting them in a certain spot will make them look a certain way. It's funny becuase the whole time that the teacher was talking I was doing this "ok, I can see why that would happen but I don't understand all the technical terms." I think that those will just come with time. But I am learning more everyday! For our assignment we had to make up three different placement techniques and make a name for them just in case it became super popular. Well I named mine "The Penguin Flapper." It looks like a penguin flapping his wings. It's pretty awesome if I say so myself. So maybe it will catch on at school probably just so that people can say "Penguin Flapper." I know I would. Oh also at school. I let a girl borrow my straightener and then it got lost. So now she has to get me a new one. I love new stuff. Oh yeah and we learned extensions this week. So when jill has some time I will be getting her a whole set of extensions for free!! She just has to pay for the hair. Speaking of jill, we went to Joann's today to look for a Halloween costume (I LOVE halloween) and we decided after much tribulation, PJ peed on her leg and it dripped on the floor, GROSS!!! That we would be gypsies. Well technically I thought that it was the same things as a belly dancer but turns out that I was wrong. No hard feelings. So I should be posting some pictures of that after the Halloween Festivities on Friday.

Other than that not much else has been going on. Oh yeah, I got a job at Layne Bryant. I am pretty excited because I will get a discount off of clothes! HOORAY! I love discounts!

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Hey Nellie, it's Leanne and Chloe. Chloe likes your cool hair for the picture below. She also likes your friends. Chloe wants to know all about them.
When are you going to come to California and do our hair. I am in desperate need of a good haircut! Please come visit soon!